Don’t Be a Hater

Dana Lena'
2 min readMay 11, 2024


I have very limited social media these days because I have determined that it is just a cess pool on most days and a shit show on others.

The little time that I spend on it is because my daughter sends me videos daily. Most are hilariously funny, others are beautiful lessons wrapped in 90 second clips and sometimes, it is her way of saying something that she would not dare say with her own lips because I am very much old school and will smack the taste out of her mouth for being disrespectful.

I am glad that I have never had to smack the taste out of her mouth. She learned from watching me with her brother, “ I am not the Mama Bitch to play with.” I love you with all that I am but don’t think for one second I am going to tolerate back talking, stomping, slamming doors and talking to me like I am not that the god-woman that I am.

Some of ya’ll can call me abusive, a parent bully, controlling or whatever the fuck else. My results stand.

Two amazing kids with amazing spirits who NEVER want to leave home. Both have full academic scholarships and are genuinely GOOD people.

I digress.

While watching these videos, I see these nasty and hateful comments on some of the most beautiful stories. Some kind of way, a video of a toddler eating applesauce becomes about the dangers of canned food or why a 2 year old should never have a spoon in her mouth.

A funny cat video sends the Peta police in a rage and there is all this ra ra about why animals should never be kept as domestic animals.

People doing amazing things, singing, acting, dancing are demonized at C or D this by people who could not carry a tune in the shower or perform in their backyard. I always find it hilarious that folks people do NOT know have something to say about people who don’t them.

How miserable are these folks who live in glass houses and are lifeing on a thread while choking on regret.

We all would be better served if we minded our business and leave other people alone. When someone does something that THEY think is great, it is no one else’s assignment to shit in their sandbox.

If we have bills, debt, misery, brokenness , difference or disease anywhere in our lives, we probably need to spend ALL of our expendable energy minding our lives and if we have done the work and can cross off those boxes, then it is time for us to PULL UP someone else, not tear them down.

Raise and Rise.




Dana Lena'
Dana Lena'

Written by Dana Lena'

Top Writer on Feminism, Parenting, Life and Love. $danalperry7

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